Business offer for e-commerce

A van is not only a quick and convenient dispatch of parcels. We also offer a range of technological solutions to help you grow your business. Therefore, if you run an online store, we have an offer for you!

Let's talk
Woman sitting with shopping bags, making payment by phone, symbolizing paying for online shopping.

Get to know


For customers like you, we have prepared two types of offers. All you have to do is declare the volume of shipments and set up a free Vans Return module in your e-shop, and the E-commerce price list will automatically be updated in your panel.
Monitor icon with shopping cart displayed. Next to one shipment


from 70 to 200 shipments per month.
Additional condition: implementation of the free Vans Return module (the price list is updated automatically)
Monitor icon with shopping cart displayed. Next to many parcels and a plus symbol


more than 200 shipments per month.
Additional condition: implementation of the free module Van Return and Purses (contact us to launch this price list)

Get to know

free tools

for e-commerce

Find out how you can easily implement our solutions to your business

System for managing returns

How to set up?
It is enough to have an account on our website to go through in a few steps
configuration of the tool
. The tutorial in the Customer Panel will walk you through an intuitive process.
What do you gain?

free soft

automation of the procedure for returning goods

legally verified return policy

larger shopping cart

increase customer loyalty

Quick Checkout Path

How to set up?
To set up a Purse in your store, you just need to have an account on our service.
Tool configuration
is quick and easy, thanks to a simple and intuitive process.
What do you gain?

free soft

increase in conversions in the e-store

More loyal customers

Intuitive Checkout Interface

Competitiveness vs Large Retail Platforms

Profit only

with no hidden costs

As you can see - the business offer for e-commerce is prepared in such a way that without additional fees and obligations you get access to the full package of Vans cloud solutions. What exactly can you gain?
Piggy bank icon symbolizing low stakes
Lowest rates for e-commerce
A man and a woman, in front of them a star symbol denoting quality.
Technical and sales support
Package and location marker icon
Parcel dispatching system and shipping tools
three stoppers icons
Fast and efficient API
Monitor icon displaying different options and cursor selecting one of them
Ability to use multi-accounts
Returns icon
Free Module Van Returns
Shopping Cart Icon
Intuitive Checkout Purse
Icon of the hand and the elements floating above it
Integrations with multiple e-commerce platforms

Take care

the whole sales process

When you use the Vans for e-commerce offer, you can be sure that every step - from quick order finalization to hassle-free shipping to convenient and safe returns of purchases - is well taken care of. And you can calmly run your business. Sounds good?
Icon of a woman with shopping bags, symbolizing the sales process.
shipping icons

Shipping and customer satisfaction

Icon of packages and adhesive tape

After-sales Care

You have questions

About the offer?

Just fill out the form below and we'll get back to you
Klikając „Wyślij swój kontakt” wyrażasz zgodę na kontakt ze strony Furgonetki w sprawie oferty specjalnej dla e-sklepów korzystających z Furgonetka Koszyk. Administratorem Twoich danych osobowych jest Furgonetka sp. z o.o. sp.k. Dane będą przetwarzane w celu wskazanym w treści zgody. Zgodę możesz wycofać w dowolnym momencie bez wpływu na zgodność z prawem przetwarzania przed jej wycofaniem. Masz również prawo do żądania dostępu do swoich danych osobowych, ich sprostowania, usunięcia, przenoszenia oraz skargi do organu nadzoru. Więcej informacji w
Privacy Policy

Thank you

Thank you for filling out the contact form. We will get back to you soon!

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stay with us

Are you responsible for running a large e-shop where you send thousands of packages per month? Contact the people responsible for business development directly to receive an individual offer:

Oskar Ashendorf

Sales Manager
+48 737 880 534